Catch-22 is a military rule typifying bureaucratic operation & reasoning. Metaphorically, it represents a paradoxical situation whereby due to contradictory limitations, an individual cannot escape. On both the personal & collective levels, this is the energetic theme of the season. Don’t be fooled to assume that “spiritual” or “successful” individuals, those who seemingly have a pretty good grip on life are above this. This is the ESSENCE of our humanness. Imperfect perfection, continuously evolving in accordance with divine timing and for the highest good of all. The only way out is through. And boy let me tell you what a beautiful, painful weekend it has been. When trajectories are left open (jobs half done, possibilities left undecided), it adds both pressure & stagnation, which increase the discomfort of being stuck in limbo… the eventual crossroads of choice points in time. Everything is made of photons, particles of light. And...
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